Portal 2 fan art!

Posted on Wed, Jul 25, 2012:

Hey guys! its me again, sorry i havent been posting, i've been really busy! news time!


Tommorow is the night we sleep over at the church for the yorktown trip! oh and the sleeping places have changed from the CEC building to the Youth basement. In completley different news, I have started making Portal 2 fan art! i'm pretty good, so if you want a specific art peice, tell me and next week i'll bring it to you free! Tell me if the art is good or not, I NEED feedback and/or comments this time! so lets do it!!

Check out this awesome video i saw! (intended for Wilbur)


Jarreds Philosophies

When life gives you lemons, squirt the lemons in Wilbur's eyes

Joke of the Day:

If Harry Potter is so magical, why dosent he fix his eyesight?


Fact of the Day:

The moon, during the time it is facing the sun, is a steady 200 Degrees Farenheight

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